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Dogfriendly, Dogloving, Doggone good fun for your pups.

Writer's picture: TDCTDC

Updated: Nov 14, 2021

We love dogs (of all shapes and sizes) - Our dogs are Mina, a labradoodle who we've had since she was eight weeks old. Suki is a goldendoodle. She was preloved and we got her at eight months old. Confusingly she is black, often I prefer the term groodle as it seems to fit better. Both are very happy, scruffy beach-dogs. Most of their time is spent chasing seagulls or each other on the beach or on some of our great woodland daunders that we go on. The best being the ones where I have discovered a good coffee/cake destination to finish off.

When we first decided to run a holiday home it was a given that it would be dogfriendly as we had by that time had a couple of years holidaying with Mina and our boys. Having seen how other owners did it we felt we had a good idea of how we wanted to do it. Dogfriendly is not ( how we see it ) charging for dogs, being discriminatory with breeds or sizes. Banning them to the kitchen......

Yes we have a few rules but hopefully they are understandable.

- Dogs can go anywhere in the house but not on the beds unless it's your own bedding (feel free) or the bed is covered with throws - we supply lots.

- Dogs are not to be left unattended in the house for a long period of time. You wouldn't do it to your children would you ? We don't want your dog being stressed and therefore distructive in a strange place. Everything can be mended and replaced but not always in timescales for other guests.

We can put you in touch with local pet-sitters to help out and best of all, the list of dogfriendly places to eat and drink is getting longer all the time. Our list of tried and tested places gets ever longer. If you find somewhere we don't know about, please tell us !!

To save on your packing we supply throws, bowls, dogtowels and a large dogbed. There's normally a tennis ball or two and of course furry guests get a wee welcome treat too.

Before you come some other websites to look at are also our pooches have their own insta and FB page

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